I think the work that Shauna and Stephen of
Something's Hiding In Here create is always unique and attention grabbing - they literally have their own niche. Their new (and much blogged about) project for the Urban Outfitters window in Philly is an interactive project, in which people keep submit messages that they would like (or hope) t0 have displayed on the marquee - you can visit
Your Message Here for more info. But what I fantasize about is that Stephen can use those great woodworking skills of his, and make some limited edition mini marquees for sale. How cool would that be? You could rotate your weekly menus, movie or poker nights, or just get something off your chest, the ideas are endless......I guess a girl can dream.
we received a package from the paper thieves and have no idea who its from or why we got it. is there anyway possible that we can find out?
that was to be sent to someone in Denver who hard ordered it. We have no idea how it got to your house.
If you still have it, please email me at thepaperthieves@yahoo.com.
Thank you.
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